The only side effects that may occur are mild pain, swelling, soreness, and minor bruising in the injection areas.
DE|RIVE Hair Restoration in Memphis
Treatment Type
Injection, Topical
Treatment Length
30 minutes
Treatment Sessions
Treatment Results
6 to 12 months
Treatable concerns
- Male & female pattern baldness
- Dormant hair follicles
- Low blood supply in the follicle
- Hair loss due to diet or genetic conditions
- Androgenetic alopecia
Treatment areas
- Scalp
Re-Grow with Glo
Your hair can often feel like a defining feature of who you are—and watching it slowly thin and recede can leave you feeling helpless. Many people losing their hair don’t notice right away, and often don’t take action until it’s too late. Glo Medical Aesthetics offers a solution by utilizing your body’s own growth factors, or plant-based stem cells, to provide hair restoration in Memphis for both men and women!
How Hair Restoration Works
Our hair restoration treatments use a platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM), which are growth factors located within the blood cells of your body. In order to isolate the growth factors, the team at Glo Medical Aesthetics will draw blood from your arm and separate the platelets by centrifuge. When injected back into the scalp, the cells will repair existing damage to the hair follicles and stimulate re-growth in the treatment area! De|Rive is a topical treatment infusing plant based stem cells into the scalp reducing inflammation and increasing hair density.
Try Our Free
Knowing the best treatment for your needs can be a challenge. Our virtual consultation tool can help you take out the guesswork by recommending treatments based on your unique aesthetic concerns and goals!
Treatment Planning ToolThe Hair Restoration Process
Before starting an appointment for hair restoration in Memphis, you’ll start your experience at Glo by meeting with one of our talented, highly trained providers! We want all of our patients to have the best possible experience by ensuring that they get the treatment best suited for their unique skincare needs and goals.
After your consultation, we'll begin the treatment by taking a blood sample from your arm before separating the growth factors using a centrifuge. After numbing the scalp with local numbing cream, we inject those separate growth factors back into your body.
Your body will naturally start to repair the tissue at the injection site—regrowing the cells for thicker hair over time! Clinical studies have shown that patients experience hair regrowth within about 6 months after they begin their treatment.
Both PRP and PRF are made by spinning your own blood in a centrifuge. We spin PRF at a slower rate, which leaves white cells, stem cells, and platelets in the top layers of the post-centrifuge tube and the red cells stay at the bottom of the tube. By contrast, PRP contains only platelets and serum.
Patients should not wash their hair prior to treatment. You should also refrain from washing your hair for 24 hours following treatment.